U-DIG-IT Stainless Steel Folding Hand Shovel - U-DIG-IT Enterprises
We have found that for an item to be good for survival applications it must fulfill several requirements. The item must be easy to use, durable and it must accomplish the job at hand. The U-Dig-It stainless steel hand shovel meets these requirements admirably.
The U-Dig-It Stainless Steel Shovel can be used for finding water, steaming food, digging for shellfish, cleaning game, smoking meat over a pit, cooking, building shelters and the list goes on. The U Dig It Stainless Steel Shovel carries the Seal of Approval from the North American Fishing Club and is recommended to its members by the North American Hunting Club.
The blade of the U-DIG-IT Shovel is 2-1/4" wide by 5-1/4" long and is constructed of 18-gauge T-304 #4 Stainless Steel. The folding handle is fashioned from a ¼" stainless steel rod and measures 4-3/4" long. When closed, the U Dig It handle folds almost entirely into the blade.
The U-Dig-It Hand Shovel is so versatile and inexpensive, we highly recommend it for any survival, camping or backpacking type activity. The U-Dig-It shovel weighs 6 oz and comes with a black laminated ballistic nylon sheath.