Best Glide ASE Survival Kit Stickers
These outdoor quality, vinyl, Survival Information Stickers provide some basics for outdoor survival. Not intended to take the place of proper training or a good survival manual, these survival stickers provide useful tips, tricks and information for survival in the wilderness.
If you are looking for a good survival manual to supplement these stickers, consider our Ultimate Survival Guide in the Information and Training Section.
The current Survival Kit Sticker selection includes stickers for the following:
Morse Code
Ground to Air Signals
Survival Fishing Tips
Emergency Contact Information
Survival Priorities
Survival Signal Mirror Sticker
Severe Bleeding and Shock (General Tips)
The Survival Fishing Tips sticker is derived from the very popular Survival Fishing Tips manual included with our Standard Survival Fishing Kit.
Also included is a Survival Signal Mirror Sticker. It is not as effective as a true glass signal mirror, like that also offered by Best Glide ASE, but it will stick just about anywhere and will do the job. It is perfect for small survival kits like our series of tin type survival kits: the Adventurer Pocket Survival Kit and the Military Scout Survival Kit (military issue).
More are currently at the printer and numerous others are in the design process.
Except for the Signal Mirror Sticker, which measures approximately 2 3/8" x 3 1/8", these stickers measure approximately 2 1/2" x 3 5/8" and fit perfectly on, and in, our line of Pocket Survival Kits and our Standard Empty Survival Kit Tin. They are to large for our small survival kit tin.
The set currently consists of the (7) stickers listed above. Stickers sold as a set only.