Best Glide ASE Spiral Wire Pocket Saw
The Best Glide ASE Spiral Wire Pocket Saw is the original pocket saw carried by famed test pilot Chuck Yaeger. Badly burned after being forced to bail out during a test flight at 104,000 feet, this survival wire saw was used to cut through his pressure suit’s neck ring to remove his helmet.
Lightweight and compact, the Best Glide ASE Spiral Wire Pocket Saw can be coiled up into a shirt pocket or easily included in survival and camping kits. This pocket wire saw will cut just about anything including metals, plastics, ceramics, adhesives, rubber, wood and bone. Easy to handle, the Best Glide ASE Spiral Wire Pocket Saw does not readily cut skin.
The Best Glide ASE Spiral Wire Pocket Saw utilizes a blade that is “spiral” in design. Distributed by Best Glide ASE, this Survival Saw is more versatile and much safer than any flat blade, as the unique spiral design allows cutting in any direction. Made of specially hardened steel, all edges of the spiral blade are cutting edges. This type of survival saw has been used by the U.S. Military for over 30 years. Specifications: - specially hardened steel - .040" wire thickness - 20" long - smallest and lightest Adventurer Spiral Wire Saw - 1 1/4" diameter thumb rings - Made in the USA
The Best Glide ASE Spiral Wire Pocket Saw easily follows contours and allows tight and intricate cuts (including square and circular cuts) that are impossible to make with other saw blades. Spiral blades are easy to handle and do not readily cut human flesh, thus making them safer than other wire saws. To make the best use of this saw, it is recommended that the blade be held as straight as possible to cut. This allows the Spiral Saw blade the maximum amount of cutting surface and keeps the saw from “binding” in the cut groove.
The rings of the Spiral Wire Pocket Saw are made for you to place your thumbs in, as seen in the attached image (see more views images above). However, if extended use is anticipated, cutting is made easier by constructing a “bow” to string the Adventurer Pocket Spiral Wire Saw in between.
We also offer the Best Glide ASE Spiral Military Wire Saw and the Best Glide ASE Spiral Wire Camp Saw.