wound pack
The Best Glide ASE Mini Wound Pack contains a basic first aid supply for minor cuts and abrasions. Band aids, antiseptics and antibiotic ointment are a few of the items in this compact and essential pack. These seem to be the most forgotten and most needed items during a weekend outdoor getaway. These include:
- (2) sting relief towelette
- (2) butterfly bandage
- (6) Plastic Bandage
- (5) alcohol prep pad
- (4) triple antibiotic ointment
- (1) heavy duty zip lock bag for long term use
- (1) basic first aid instructions
Minor substitutions sometimes made due to component availability.
The Best Glide ASE Mini Wound Pack comes with basic first aid instructions and a heavy duty reusable storage bag.
Stock #: MP1323
Wt: .75 oz
Size: 3" x 4 1/2"
Basic First Aid Instructions: Included