Advanced Clotting Sponge - QuikClot ACS+
QuikClot ACS + is Military Approved under NSN #6510-01-534-2579!
QuikClot ACS+™ is offered in a delivery system which offers ease of application and removal. When dealing with large, severe injuries on the battlefield or here at home, a few seconds can mean the difference between losing a limb – or losing a life.
When time is critical, just rip open a packet of QuikClot ACS+™, pack the self-contained sponge into the wound and the bleeding stops rapidly. The QuikClot ACS+ sponge can be packed to conform to the shape of the wound and is easily removed in the hospital setting.
Each package of QuikClot ACS+™ contains one 3.5-ounce QuikClot Hemostatic Sponge. QuikClot ACS+ is also available in a QuikClot TraumaPak™, along with a pressure bandage and high volume gauze.
Z-Medica LLC has selected Best Glide ASE to be an Authorized Dealer for its amazing, life saving product, QuikClot brand hemostatic agent®. We currently stock numerous QuikClot products including the Quikclot Trauma Pack, QuikClot Sport, QuikClot ACS Plus and the new QuikClot First Response.
The manufacturer of QuikClot brand hemostatic agent®, Z-Medica LLC, currently recommends the sale of QuikClot® to persons with medical training or those specifically trained in the use of QuikClot brand hemostatic agent®.
QuikClot® hemostat is effective and non-allergenic. It can be easily applied by military, police, fire, rescue and other non-medical personnel. It is already on the ground with U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq!
What is QuikClot brand hemostatic agent®?
QuikClot brand hemostatic agent® is a sterile homeostatic treatment that rapidly accelerates coagulation in high blood loss wounds, including high-volume venous and arterial bleeding. It saves lives by arresting hemorrhage before victims go into shock caused by loss of blood. FDA 510(k) cleared.
What does QuikClot brand hemostatic agent do?
QuikClot brand hemostatic agent® stops massive external blood loss and concentrates clotting in the blood by promoting rapid absorption of fluids in and around the wound. During testing by the U.S. Military, it was determined that QuikClot brand hemostatic agent® stopped massive blood loss better than any other product on the market today. QuikClot is now standard equipment in the U.S. Marine Corps Trauma Kit.
Who needs QuikClot brand hemostatic agent® ?
Best Glide ASE specializes in Law Enforcement sales in quantities ranging from the individual officer to entire departments. We hear countless stories of how QuikClot brand hemostatic agent® could have saved a life, if only it had been around (back then). Contact us for QuikClot Law Enforcement Discounts for your department.
QuikClot brand hemostatic agent® is currently in use across the world, including Iraq. The US Military is so convinced of its life saving potential, they have purchased over 50,000. In comparative tests by the U.S. Military, QuikClot brand hemostatic agent® was the only product of its type that yielded a 0% mortality rate.
We have already sold this amazing product to EMS units, pharmacies and emergency departments across the country. We hear of new applications for QuikClot brand hemostatic agent® weekly.
A traumatic injury can cause the human body to lose a significant amount of blood. If medical treatment can be applied before then, the chances of survival are greatly increased. Even then, some external bleeding is very difficult to stop. QuikClot brand hemostatic agent® has already exhibited that it saves lives in the most difficult of situations.
How do I use QuikClot brand hemostatic agent® ?
QuikClot is easy to apply. When using the 3.5 oz Hemorrhage Pack, simply tear off the top of the single use packet and poor it onto or into the open wound. It then forms a stable powerful clot on the bleeding wound. The clot stays firmly in place until the victim can be taken to a medical facility, where QuikClot is easily removed. However, training is required prior to use of the product. The QuikClot Hemorrhage Pack is currently only available to military customers, and only from the manufacturer.
When using the NEW QuikClot 1st Response or QuikClot Sport, simply tear the top off of the package of one of the sponges and apply to the wound. These are large enough to handle almost any, everyday wound. If not, each 1st Response box comes with a total of 5, ready to go, sponges.
When using the new QuikClot Advanced Clotting Sponge (ACS+), simply tear open the package and apply the 3.5 oz QuikClot ACS+ Sponge to the wound. Of course, additional training should be obtained prior to use of this and any other QuikClot product.
What is QuikClot brand hemostatic agent® made of?
QuikClot brand hemostatic agent® is granulated mineral substance whose exact composition is proprietary. Because it contains no biological or botanical substances, it eliminates the danger of an allergic reaction or transmission of disease.
The new QuikClot ACS Plus™ consists of beads contained in a porous surgical fabric that allows the activated beads to come into direct contact with blood in a wound and quickly stop the bleeding.
How effective is QuikClot brand hemostatic agent®?
The effectiveness of QuikClot brand hemostatic agent® has been proven in extensive testing at the University of Connecticut, the U.S. Marine War Fighting Lab, the Marine Corps Systems Command and the Office of Naval Research. More importantly, QuikClot has proven itself in real life situations numerous times. QuikClot brand hemostatic agent® received 510(k) clearance from the FDA in March 2002.