Best Glide ASE Fresnel Lens Fire Starter and Magnifier (Red, Green, or Yellow)
The Best Glide ASE Fresnel Lens Fire Starter and Magnifying Lense is a great back up fire starter and will fit practically anywhere. Our Fresnel Lens Fire Starter is small, flat, light and inexpensive. Some practice is required and of course, one needs a sunny day for it to work. We do not recommend the Fresnel Lens as a primary fire starting tool, but as an addition to an already supplied kit. The Fresnel Lens Fire Starter, or Credit Card Magnifier, is so inexpensive why not carry a few just in case.
The Best Glide ASE Fresnel Lens Fire Starter and Magnifying Lense is more commonly known as a credit card magnifier. However, our version has 4X power magnification, much more than the 2X or 3X of standard credit card magnifiers, making it a great magnifier fire starter. The Fresnel Lens has been used for years in various applications, most notably the Light House Lens. Using a Fresnel Lens allows the light of the light house to be magnified numerous times and still be relatively small. It is a truly amazing invention.
Our Fresnel Lens is made of optical pvc, is .4mm thick and weighs 5.5 grams. In short, it is the size of a very thin credit card. It comes with a green, red, or yellow protective case. We include the Fresnel Lens as standard equipment in several of our survival kits.
- Size: 2" x 3.25" (lens)
- Size: 3.63" x 2.38" (case)
- Thickness: 0.4mm
- Weight: 5.5 grams
- Material: optical PVC Groove
- Pitch: 0.2mm
- Focal length: 160mm
- Magnification: 4x